275 research outputs found

    Učinkovitost i sigurnost kombinacije atorvastatina/amlodipina u jednoj tableti kod bolesnika s arterijskom hipertenzijom i dislipidemijom

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    The aim was to evaluate the efficacy of a single-pill combination of atorvastatin/amlodipine in patients with arterial hypertension, dyslipidemia and moderate to high cardiovascular risk. This prospective study included 243 patients with arterial hypertension, dyslipidemia and moderate to high cardiovascular risk, mean age 63.3±9.8 years. All patients were prescribed a treatment with one of the following doses of a single-pill combination of atorvastatin/amlodipine: 10/5, 10/10, 20/5 or 20/10 mg daily. The follow-up period was 3 months. The mean baseline values of the systolic and diastolic blood pressure were 155.7±16.2 and 92.0±9.2 mm Hg, respectively. At month 3, the respective mean systolic and diastolic blood pressure values were 136.9±26.9 and 80.6±5.1 mm Hg. The mean baseline values of total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol were 6.6±1.2 and 4.4±1.1 mmol/L, respectively. At month 3, the respective mean values of total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol were 5.1±0.9 and 2.9±1.0 mmol/L. Treatment was discontinued in 9 (3.7%) patients due to adverse events. In conclusion, treatment with the single-pill combination of atorvastatin/amlodipine was effective and well tolerated by the patients with arterial hypertension, dyslipidemia and moderate to high cardiovascular risk.Cilj ovoga istraživanja je bio ocijeniti učinkovitost kombinacije atorvastatina/amlodipina u jednoj tableti kod bolesnika s arterijskom hipertenzijom, dislipidemijom i umjerenim do visokim kardiovaskularnim rizikom. Ovo prospektivno istraži­vanje obuhvatilo je 243 bolesnika s arterijskom hipertenzijom, dislipidemijom i umjerenim do visokim kardiovaskularnim rizikom, srednje dobi od 63,3±9,8 godina. Bolesnicima je propisana terapija jednim od sljedećih režima doziranja kombinacije atorvastatina/amlodipina u jednoj tableti: 10/5, 10/10, 20/5 ili 20/10 mg na dan. Razdoblje praćenja bilo je 3 mjeseca. Srednje početne vrijednosti sistoličkog i dijastoličkog tlaka bile su 155,7±16,2 i 92,0±92,0 mm Hg. Krajem 3. mjeseca vrijednosti sistoličkog i dijastoličkog tlaka bile su 136,9±26,9 i 80,6±5,0 mg Hg. Srednje početne vrijednosti ukupnog kolesterola i kolesterola niske gustoće bile su 6,6±1,2 i 4,4±1,1 mmol/L. Krajem 3. mjeseca vrijednosti ukupnog kolesterola i kolesterola niske gustoće bile su 5,1±0,9 i 2,9±1,0 mmol/L. Terapija analiziranom kombinacijom lijekova prekinuta je kod 9 (3,7%) bolesnika zbog neželjenih nuspojava. U zaključku, terapija kombinacijom atorvastatina/amlodipina u jednoj tableti visoko je učinkovita i dobro ju podnose bolesnici s arterijskom hipertenzijom, dislipidemijom i umjerenim do visokim kardiovaskularnim rizikom

    Agriculture in the Face of Changing Markets, Institutions and Policies: Challenges and Strategies

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    Since the late 1980s, agriculture in Central and Eastern European Countries (CEECs) has been under considerable adjustment pressure due to changing political, economic and institutional environments. These changes have been linked to the transition process, as well as the ongoing integration into the European Union and the world market. Reduced subsidies, increased environmental and food quality demands, as well as structural changes in the supply, processing and food retailing sector call for major structural adjustments and the improvement of farmersâ managerial abilities. Though such changes always carry significant threats to farms, they also offer new opportunities for the farms' entrepreneurial engagement. Upcoming changes in the agricultural environment and their possible consequences for farm structures across Europe are thus still timely subjects. The objective of the IAMO Forum 2006 is to contribute to the success of agriculture in the CEECs, as well as their neighboring countries, in todayâs increasingly competitive environment. Concrete questions the conference focuses on are: What are the most suitable farm organizations, cooperative arrangements and contractual forms? How to improve efficiency and productivity? Where do market niches lie and what are the new product demands? This book contains 33 invited and selected contributions. These papers will be presented at the IAMO Forum 2006 in order to offer a platform for scientists, practitioners and policy-makers to discuss challenges and potential strategies at the farm, value chain, rural society and policy levels in order to cope with the upcoming challenges. IAMO Forum 2006, as well as this book, would not have been possible without the engagement of many people and institutions. We thank the authors of the submitted abstracts and papers, as well as the referees, for their evaluation of the abstracts from which the papers were selected. In particular, we would like to express our thanks to OLIVER JUNGKLAUS, GABRIELE MEWES, KLAUS REINSBERG and ANGELA SCHOLZ, who significantly contributed to the organization of the Forum. Furthermore, our thanks goes to SILKE SCHARF for her work on the layout and editing support of this book, and to JIM CURTISS, JAMIE BULLOCH, and DÃNALL Ã MEARÃIN for their English proof-reading. As experience from previous years documents, the course of the IAMO Forum continues to profit from the support and engagement of the IAMO administration, which we gratefully acknowledge. Last but not least, we are very grateful to the Robert Bosch Foundation, the Federal Ministry of Nutrition, Agriculture and Consumer Protection (BMELV), the German Research Foundation (DFG), the Haniel Foundation and the Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe (IAMO) for their respective financial support.Agribusiness, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Farm Management, Industrial Organization, International Development, Labor and Human Capital, Land Economics/Use, Productivity Analysis,

    Opportunities for Foreign Direct Investments through International Business Incubators in Bulgaria

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    The paper describes the specific of the international business incubators (IBI) against the background of the specific of the business incubators as a form of supporting the small and medium-sized business and by studying three concrete international business incubators, which represent the three main economic centers in the world. The analysis of IBI as a way of attracting FDI is conducted on the basis of a review of theoretical formulations concerning FDI, drawing the attention to the applicability of this type of business incubators in Bulgaria. Based on information from internet and a questionnaire survey, the development of the business incubation process in Bulgaria is analyzed with a view to the opportunities for attracting additional FDI in the country through IBI, outlining the favorable and unfavorable for this process factors.

    The Capital-Centered Model of Corporate Ownership

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    The article deals with the traditional model of corporate ownership, named “capital-centered”, which corresponds to the Anglo-Saxon model of corporate governance. The model is unfolded by reviewing the problems stemming from the separation of ownership and control in the corporate form in light of the main theoretical streams dealing with them, namely, 1) the transfer of control from owners to top managers highlighted by managerial theories; 2) conflicts between stakeholders and managers and their mitigation by the agency theory mechanisms for bringing the interests of the two groups, including the internal governance organs and external disciplining factors; and 3) raising firm efficiency by its managerial structure, internal organization, what transaction cost theory focuses upon. The traditional forms of control over a corporate enterprise are shown and in conclusion a summary of the model is made.


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    Актуальность исследования методологических аспектов планирования обусловлена возникновением новых форм планирования (стратегического планирования, проектного планирования, регионального планирования) и необходимостью продолжения дискуссий о сущности и совершенствовании планирования в современных условиях неопределенности и глобализации


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    Модернизация государственного аппарата становится постоянной функцией и одной из основных задач любого правительства. Отсюда актуальность проводимого исследования. Проведен анализ отечественной и зарубежной литературы по вопросам совершенствования государственного управления. Теоретические концепции по совершенствованию управления экономикой включают широкий спектр мнений, в том числе уход государства из экономики, усиление направленности политики на культурные ценности, сбалансированность бюджета. Выявлены новые подходы к анализу государственного управления: методология культурной антропологии, структурализм, социальный обмен, экономический обмен налогов на социальные услуги. Подтверждено, что социально-философский подход, позитивизм и исторический подход занимают важное место в исследовании государственного управления. Выявлена тенденция к институционализации государственного управления, что находит выражение в определении общих принципов государственного устройства, разработке программы изменений законодательства, планах формирования государственных институтов. Актуальными направлениями совершенствования государственного управления являются государственно-частное партнерство, проектное управление, кластерный подход к инвестициям, «планирование-программирование-бюджет»

    Changes in the Japanese Postwar Corporate Governance System in the 1990s

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    The study deals with the specific features of Japanese corporate governance that can be summarized in: 1) insider control system with internal disciplining mechanisms based on lifetime employment and the employee ambition for promotion, and 2) internalized monitoring by external stakeholders through establishment of long-term interfirm relationships within a common grouping based on cross shareholding and corporate interconnectedness. The traditional corporate control mechanisms – internal and external – in Japanese companies until the 1990s have been analyzed, as well as the objectives of corporate managers in Japan. The changes in the corporate governance system have been traced both in the formal institutional framework and in economic practices. The changes in employment relations have been discussed as the basis of the internal disciplining mechanisms. In conclusion, the incompleteness of the changes in the corporate governance system, and the possible directions for its future development have been analyzed.

    Forming of Financial-Industrial Groups in the Transition to Market Economy

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    Based on the study of the Russian experience in developing Financial-Industrial Groups (FIGs), conclusions have been made concerning the formation and functioning of Corporate Intermarket Alliances (CIAs) in transition economies. Circumstances have been highlighted which might draw firms into CIA, and general directions have been suggested for the introduction of such a form of organization. The options for forming, structuring, and regulating this type of groupings have been analyzed on the basis of experience in the Russian Federation with the corresponding terminology and institutional specificity, albeit the discussion of concrete Russian groups have been evaded. Subject of concrete analysis are the motivation for registering and the procedure for forming official FIGs in Russia, their structure, activity, and prospects for development, as well as possible measures for Government support of FIGs.

    Strategic & organizational problems of "LEADER" approach application as a tool for sustainable rural development in Bulgaria

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    "Leader" approach is the main tool of the policy of sustainable rural development. However a number of strategic and organizational problems and also certain rules for its application in the praxis need to be formulated for its effective realization in Bulgaria. The strategic frameworkfor rural areas develop¬ment of the Ruse District and the opportunities for applying the Leader approach and creation of LAGs as a tool for assuring sustainable development are pre¬sented in the article. An analysis has been made about the problems for the "Leader" approach application in Bulgaria. The basis for the analysis are the main results from the realization of the pilot project "Sustainable Rural Develop¬ment" managed by the Ministry of agriculture andforestry and UNDP, as well as good practices and problems identified. An investigation of the establishment pro¬cess and also surveying offunctional problems of LAGs in Bulgaria is made in the article. Results of a special designed questionnaire have been analysed and dis¬cussed in the paper. On that basis appropriate conclusions and reccommendations are developed and presented in the paper, which might be used in the process of establishing of LAGs in Ruse district and also in other regions in Bulgaria